Call 08 8402 0200

Barium swallow, Barium follow-through or Barium meal

Do not have anything to eat or drink for 6 hours before your appointment.

Barium enema

Follow the instructions on the bowel cleansing kit provided by your doctor or from our rooms.

Virtual (CT) colonoscopy

Collect a bowel cleansing kit from our rooms, and follow the instructions.

CT urogram

Please only have fluids for 4 hours prior to your appointment

CT abdomen

Please only have fluids for 4 hours prior to your appointment


Generally no preparation is required. Please do not wear eye make-up if the head region is being scanned. If your scan is of the abdomen, please do not have food, drink or caffeine for 4 hours prior to the examination.


Do not use talcum powder or deodorant on the day of your appointment. Please wear a two piece outfit.

Facet joint or nerve root injection

No preparation required unless your doctor has arranged sedation.

Upper abdominal ultrasound

Do not eat, drink or smoke for 6 hours before your appointment.

Pelvic, renal and obstetric ultrasound

A full bladder is required. Drink 1 litre of water finishing at least 1 hour before your appointment time. Do not empty your bladder.

Nuclear medicine

Details will be available when making your appointment.


Nuclear medicine