A nuclear medicine scan is a way to evaluate the function of internal organs by administering, often by injection, a radioactive medication or "radiotracer". The radioactivity from these substances is captured on a special camera called a Gamma camera, and a doctor interprets the resulting image.
Booking your appointment
Please call our friendly staff on 8402 0200. These procedures are only performed at certain sites. Please discuss available options with our booking staff.
What to bring
- Radiology referral
- Medicare card
- Healthcare/Concession card (if applicable)
- Previous relevant imaging
- Other relevant documents
Preparation and time required for your study
Our staff will explain any relevant preparation with you over the phone at the time of the booking. The following preparation instructions are a reminder:
Bone scan
Cardiac stress test
Renal Scan
Gallium Scan
Gastric Emptying
Colonic transit
Some nuclear medicine scans may not be suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please discuss when making appointment.